Dear Tony Blair

14th July 2010.

Went VamaVeche on 8th July in tent which was swiftly swept away by the fiercest lightning storm I can recall, plus torrential rain’
In that comparatively short period a made some quite quick decisions.
First, it was the end of my tenting days.
Second, more profound , more in keeping with my endless surveillance of the creatures which crawl on this Planet, reinforcing all my firm convictions of existence, the sheer “terror” of reality.. the trap.. slavery.. imprisonment of all that which is presented as life.. in another guise. Women, children, love, marriage.. ”happiness” Nothing , no bigger deviation from the truth than that. Governments attempting to alleviate the pain, by “make believe” terror.. global warming.. football, a plethora of mass detraction, any means, cost, to prevent the realization surfacing. But, with instant communication suddenly available of all thoughts, no matter how puerile, a 21st century phenomenon no Government can yet control. The masses, now stirring, able to see the extent of control they are subject too. George Orwell’s theme on the subject, simply a shadow of “what is”. Tony Blair’s 10 years reign of terror unsurpassed in English history, as was his unique weapon of ”mass immigration”, which he used relentlessly to subject the population into cowering fear, afraid to open their mouths in any form of remonstration. All levels of society were exposed to this creatures determination of “control”. Blair and his henchmen formed a web comparable to both Hitler and Stalin . The three had a fixation about the individual and individuality.. it was to be eradicated by every and any means. Blair’s methods did not require concentration camps.. torture.. the crude aspects of totalitarianism. England itself has become a concentration camp, Immigrants quickly, willingly demolishing all the inherent structures of English society to the lowest possible price, the price of “existence…”

There was a twist to Tony and Cherie Blair’s “vision” She, the brains, saw what was coming, had to come, precisely, telling him to simply pack his bags, get the accumulated loot and quietly “leave”. No flags , no fanfare, no goodbye’s. A faint waive to a few “friends” very few. The country remaining in the hands of a unelected Roman Catholic, Scotch, thick head, oblivious, in his ambitious haste, to see he had been left holding the can. He huffed and he puffed frenetically his bleary way into extinction. A simple end for a simple man.

Tony Blair, enigmatic, impervious, flamboyant on the yachts and islands of the rich and oblivious, wakes, hot in the night, a kaleidoscope of thoughts…. a certain Dr Kelly…(post mortem to be kept secret for 70 years). The distractive war, ghosts of women, children and men dead in Afghanistan… the wreckage of England by his hand, strewn with the World’s Unwanted. The price still to be paid.
Blair paid them and is still paying them too come, such is his impetus. As with other men in history, he knows his destiny will have a harsh ending. Little good for him to turn to his “inner thoughts”.
Shakespeare would have demanded not only a pound of his flesh,
…………..but also the blood that went with it.

London .A city without identity.

A lost labyrinth of chaos, crime , corruption and indecision, the compressed population subjected to the most draconian laws since the Middle ages each myriad face surveyed constantly by 21 st century technology…Fear, apprehension and cameras stalk the streets …….the muttering retreats

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

The Sarajevo legacy

Joy at Karadzic arrest gives way to the realisation that he succeeded in ethnic carve-up of Bosnia

By Peter Popham Saturday, 26 July 2008

Istanbul shopping centre blasts kill at least 15

By Lawrence Conway. Ind.Monday, 28 July 2008

In previous attacks by the country's various factions, state institutions, foreign government offices, synagogues and tourists have been targeted, throughout the country. Three policemen guarding the US consulate in Istanbul were killed when gunmen, believed to be inspired by al-Qaida, opened fire on the building on 9 July. On 22 May last year six, people were killed in a suicide bomb attack on a shopping mall in the capital, Ankara. Ten Britons and six Turks are wounded when their minibus was blown up in the tourist town of Marmaris in August 2006.

Suspension threat to Met chief as Home Secretary launches inquiry into Sir Ian Blair's role in awarding £3m deal to friend

By Charlotte Gill
Last updated at 11:31 PM on 28th July 2008 D.M.

Sir Ian Blair denies acting improperly

Britain's most senior policeman is facing a fresh leadership crisis after being placed under formal investigation over how a close friend won more than £3m of contracts with his force.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith will now appoint an independent investigator to scrutinise Sir Ian Blair's role into how his skiing companion Andy Miller got a series of lucrative contracts at Scotland Yard.

British bride shot dead and husband fighting for life on Caribbean honeymoon

Last updated at 4:15 PM on 28th July 2008. D.M.

A newlywed doctor was shot dead and her husband critically injured in a shooting during their Caribbean honeymoon.

Catherine Mullany took a single shot in the head and died instantly in her hotel room on the island of Antigua yesterday.

Her husband Benjamin, of Pontardawe, near Swansea, Wales, is fighting for his life in hospital with critical injuries, the Foreign Office said. He reportedly received a gunshot wound to his neck. It has been suggested that these killers have fled to the UK where they will disappear totally in the mass multicultural kaleidoscope of people generated by Tony Blair and Jack Straw . The Blair legacy.. that much. Straw, conceivably will be stopped .


SC judge banned from bench after racial comment

By JEFFREY COLLINS, Associated Press Writer Mon Jul 28, 3:29 PM ET

COLUMBIA, S.C. - A South Carolina judge who admitted calling crack cocaine addiction "black man's disease" has been banned from the bench, the state's Supreme Court said in an order Monday.


Politically incorrect??

The Chinese have banned all black people and Mongols from pubs and restaurants during their Olympics as they are “trouble makers” The authorities in Beijing are well known for the way they treat foreigners, they organized raids in Sept’; 2007 and April 2008 when dozens of Afro Americans were arrested for alleged drug possession.
South China Morning Post

Top cop demoted after saying BMWs were 'black man's wheels' …

“ Politically Incorrect. “ “The” 21st Cent crime.

By David WilkesLast updated at 1:18 AM on 28th July 2008.D.M

Straw’s trench fighter signs up MPs for Brown coup plot

By Simon Walters and Glen Owen
Last updated at 11:14 PM on 26th July 2008

The Mail on Sunday has been told that former Minister George Howarth, a close friend of Justice Minister Mr Straw, approached Labour MPs and asked them to add their names to a list of people who want Mr Brown to quit.

I was told that Jack Straw is going to him in September and telling him that he must resign for the sake of the Party.

Straw, as there is no other, automatically unelected, moving to “No Ten.”

Jack, secretive, deeply manipulative, psychotically tenacious in purpose, Straw, has finally shown his hand.

Chilling face of 30 years enforcing creeping “political correctness”.


The world was shocked by Italian sunbathers ignoring dead gipsy girls...

But now Italy is showing a realistic interest in Roma children and their parents

By Sue Reid Daily Mail
Last updated at 2:13 AM on 26th July 2008

Samantha was taking part in a compulsory new census of Italy's 160,000 Roma people, promised by premier Silvio in the run-up to his successful election this spring. Anyone with a sense of the past would be forgiven for a strong feeling of foreboding about the impact this molten mass of migrants will confer on the Italians, most of them Roma gypsies from the old communist bloc and racially troubled Balkans, who have poured into the country since the dismantling of border controls across a greatly expanded European Union in 2004.The huge Diaspora is a political hot potato for Berlusconi. He will stop anonymous armies of Roma children being sent out begging or stealing by their families, 60 per cent of whom have no identity papers or passports, he claimed. Border controls are expected to be reintroduced to staunch the flow of migrants from Italy's neighbours. …….

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The European union is little more than a ingenious way of those in power allowing the free flow of cheap labour throughout Europe, accompanied by plenty of flag waving, plenty of shouting democracy and freedom. Certainly these laboring creatures are free ... free to work at the lowest subsistence level, undercutting the established work force in which ever country they flee too.. creating unrest and endless opportunities for the establishment to mouth platitudes, make promises while putting the proceeds or this plot into their deep pockets, the money to be flaunted in whichever way of displaying this wealth appeals to them … £1 million houses, a long line of horses, mistresses and Bentleys, anything that shows their personal superiority, all with a permanent, smug, contemptuous look on their public faces; knowing also, with almost undisguised satisfaction, that at any moment of every day there are a large number of alien people creeping into the woodwork legally or illegally. At Calais, there is and always will be a mass of the World’s unwanted, simply waiting for the guards to look the other way, they having been given the nod there is a demand for higher wages in England, which is rectified by simply opening the backs of lorries ….The French smile at the English naivety , doing all that is possible to help these people cross the Channel to claim “asylum” “benefits” and their “Human Rights” The French do not make France alluring for England bound beggars

There is nothing new in this situation. Throughout history, conquering nations have used the indigenous population as slaves. The “abolishment of slavery” was nothing more than a piece of paper. People are no longer flogged, branded to make them work, or used for personal gratification... The 21st century has more circumspect ways of intimidation. Watching people has become the first priority. Cameras concealed in every crevice, the police, a vast quasi military force, armed to the very teeth with the power to arrest anyone simply for looking the wrong way. The Establishment is terrified of the slightest uprising of those toiling for them; the slightest impediment which may hinder the accumulation of their wealth. The top 2% of the population now own 98% of the Worlds assets, which is not enough. They want the lot and will not sleep until they get it.

Orwell never saw this side of humanity, the stark greed... rather he saw people wanting “Control”, as with Blair. He never visualizing the dramatic results of his iron fisted grip on England, the deterioration of everything and everyone to the lowest common denominator, anyone, anyone at all, regardless, was not allowed to speak out, punished heavily in the “Courts of Law” with the threat of the word “racist” or refusing to be “politically correct” or for interfering with a person’s “Human Rights” all of these concepts being the manifestations of his wife, a barrister, who doubtlessly seeing the distinct financial gain to be made from these edicts, she, possibly the most dominant, grasping, vitriolic, vociferous woman in recent political history, without any doubt also being heavily backed by the Bush tentacles for whatever deep, political, financial motives that regime had decided on, which would account for her sheer confidence and her acrimonious contempt of everything and anyone who did not see the “situation” her way.

When she realized the deep depths of despair England had sunk into over the crushing of the individual and clearly seeing the impending financial pandemonium, the bureaucratic bludgeon being used indiscriminately at every level of society, the threats, the deliberately created overpopulation with the resulting reaction of the individual as rats in a trap, only then, struck by the stark realization, did she order the person she was married to, to pack his things and make the most impeccably timed discreet exit of any politician, taking with them their accumulated millions. A faint wave, farewell to a few friends, very few, simply leaving the country, no fluttering flags, no speeches, no anything, leaving England in the hands of a Roman Catholic Scotchman, unelected, unwanted .

The greed aspect has never openly manifested itself as in the 21st century ... Hitler had “cheap labour”... he paid nothing… but he, his party, or any other power throughout history, other than the Romans, did not have the open excesses of society now and the “disgusting excesses” as the lady said, of the West Indian sugar plant owners…which may have been the very seeds of 21st cent acceptance of greed as a God, or simply forget God and go for the money, which is about the way The United State and it’s ancillary, England, has gone.

There is the point that no one could do anything about it ... the working class chained in every conceivable way and always will be. In the “office” of the Adelaide Seaman’s Union there is a large beer stained poster showing a “Capitalist” dressed in black, waving a stick; the caption being an old one but the absolute truth.
“Workers of the World unite: you have nothing to lose but your chains”

Perhaps there is now some creeping unease in the Citadels of Brussels, London, Paris, (President Sarkozy, his current penchant for expensive, dominant females) Rome, all the rich European capitals… that as America has now gone Black ... Europe through it’s greed in letting in countless millions of black and coloured workers into Europe and given them the right to vote, there is now enough of them to vote decisively… vote all the other way... This aspect was never considered; never apparently occurred to the upper echelons; they, too busy dinning their secretaries, or their “personal trainers” buying the very latest extravaganza, the largest properties…..the biggest yachts, at the same time, breathlessly on their mobile telephones doing billions of pounds worth of “deals” which have no substance, no foundation, simply numbers on millions of computers. Enron being the first small tip of this grasp of greed. The repercussions of attempting to get a percentage of nothing has devastated the World.

Applegarth had such big ambitions. But the business model just collapsed when the credit crunch hit. Luckily for Applegarth, he walked away with a wheelbarrow of cash to ease the pain of his failure, and spent the summer playing cricket. (Guardian)
One or two did see a situation coming

The bottom line of this madness for money will culminate with minarets on Buckingham Palace, vast, black masses thronging the Mall, spilling into Trafalgar square, endlessly chanting ‘King Vaz the First” Not even a question mark as to this eventuality, not even as a long term view in the present economic chaos. Perfect time in history for Islam to make the move it has so long waited for, the physical annexation of England.

The Muslim conurbations in the peripheries will simply rise up. The plastic, plodding, beaten, obese, lethargic English will concede to Islam as it is the easy way out of a situation beyond Coronation Street, football and it’s strange moronic “heroes”.

There is no alternative for this fallen, disintegrated nation of once proud people. In the British Isles there is not another Churchill to step forward in this moment of crisis, no other voice to be heard, or more fundamentally, allowed to be heard, other than the painful, pious, platitudes from the supercilious entrenched rich who rule these Isles from their clubs in Mayfair and Pall Mall, not from the corridors of Westminster

The rest of Europe will intercede quite dramatically, the words of Enoch echoing along their inflamed streets “Rivers of Blood“.

As someone said quite recently…

“Time to emigrate”.

George Monbiot The Guardian 27th Jan 09;
It is fitting and unsurprising that the scene of the new scandal is the unelected second chamber, whose proper reform Blair and Brown have spent 12 years avoiding. The deregulation of the banks, the love affair with the neocons, the failure to tax the rich, “Peter Mandelson” ... is there any slithering cop-out that has not now returned to haunt this government?

The premise of Robert Harris's novel “The Ghost” - that Blair's premiership was the creation of a foreign intelligence service - is correct in spirit if not in substance.

For 12 years the British government has acted as an agent of other powers: the US; big business; big money; anything except the electorate.

It is hard now to believe that it was elected in a frenzy of hope very much like the excitement surrounding Barack Obama which will be short lived once it is realized that he too is possibly in the grip of “other forces”.

The English , over the last four decades, managed to have control taken from them by the Scottish people to the point where they control all pinnacles of power, however, while they are stuffing their bags full of loot in readiness to rush back North , knowing full well the English have stopped watching Coronation street and football… woken up rather late maybe and want them out, the situation does not end quite there, rather the reverse. Within the Capital and more emphatically in the periphery, Luton, Nottingham, Sheffield all such conurbations, Islam is deeply entrenched , but constrained, waiting for the moment for their multitudes to rise up, possibly as Gordon Brown hurriedly boards the last Express train 19.00 hrs Kings X to Edinburgh.

Islam, in it's turn, swiftly overpowering the remnants of the plastic, plodding English, but finding itself confronted by knife wielding, vast hordes of underworld thugs of all calibrations, who have no interest, conception, understanding of politics, religion… morality. "Nothing". Their sole purpose, pursuit, is violence for violence sake, a vicious, unnatural, mindless breed of creatures, unknown to these Isle in it's long history. A quite unexpected creation for the virulent left. Nihilism in a extreme never visualized. In effect making all previous imaginative or otherwise horror scenarios as a "bed time story", something once told by parents to their children to lull them peacefully asleep, before such practices were banned politically by dark people in dark places , none so secretive, so obscure, so totally committed to the destruction of England as Jack Straw, the only keyholder to room 102.

The politics of the left have broken England in every way, financially, physically, mentally, morally. The minions of the left, for whatever reason, have successfully conspired to bring all factors down to the lowest common denominator, with devastating results Their weapons were not obviously oppressive, a creeping paralysis of "free speech". Introduction of "Human Rights" and "Politically correct" procedures deviously brought in, with the emphasis being all one way… towards the endless flow of black people flooding into the country... The indigenous population incredibly accepted these dramatic changes, accepted that they were being watched, controlled by big brother night and day.. a strange resignation, despair? collapse, of a once proud people.

Future historians will ask the same question that is being asked at this moment… Why ?